Charo Santos-Concio: Lessons on Life and Love

There are so many reasons to admire Charo Santos-Concio. Her notable work in the entertainment industry would immediately come to mind, from her rise as an actress to leading the country’s biggest multi-media conglomerate. She has made an impact in the different roles she has taken on both in front of the camera and behind the scenes, inspiring many in more ways than one.

Along the way, Charo has shaped a legacy built upon the values she holds dear. “I place a high value on professionalism and excellence. But at the same time, I also believe in the importance of having a nurturing heart. More than all the accolades and tangible successes I’ve had in the industry, it is the legacy of these values that I wish to share with other people,” she said.

What she values most in her career mirrors what she considers are the real treasures in her life: her family. She credits her husband Cesar and their children Francis and Martin for teaching and showing her unconditional love, which has led her to become a better person. This has kept her rooted through all the victories in life, and has also been her anchor whenever storms came her way.

“I’ve been there, done that. I’ve been through the different stages of life and one thing I’ve learned is that it is always love that will keep one going no matter the odds,” she shared.

Below, Charo shares her wisdom on life and love, and how we can take care of the relationships we hold dear:

"The essence of loving is thinking of the other person. Loving someone reminds you that the world does not revolve around you. It helps you develop empathy, become less judgmental, and be more understanding of another person. This became especially clear to me when my husband had a stroke at the age of 64. I can say that the experience of taking care of him really taught me courage, gave me inner strength and taught me the meaning of unconditional love."

"Sometimes, we forget the very person sitting next to us. When in a relationship, we can be so comfortable with each other and so set in our ways that we become complacent and take our partner for granted. Then you realize that the person who matter the most is the one who has been at your side this whole time, with whom you share a simple life with. It brings you back to the most basic things in life."

"Choose your battles with the people you love. You can’t enter a relationship thinking things will always go your way. Respect your partner in the same way you want to be respected. Sometimes, it means choosing your battles with the person you love. In my case, Cesar allowed me to make mistakes and has loved me unconditionally in spite of all those. He’s a selfless man who did his best to understand me and accept my strengths and weaknesses. Isn't that what loving is all about?"

Interview opportunity and photo courtesy of Sun Life Financial. Learn more about Charo and Cesar's beautiful journey to a long and lasting love in Sun Life's Kaakbay: Stories of Lifetime Partnership.
